L'angolo di Marco

Blog di Marco. Di tutto e di più (hardware, software, internet, linux, ma anche cucina e tutto quello che mi passa per la testa)

Le mie foto
Località: Torino, TO, Italy

martedì, dicembre 03, 2019

Tere, kallis

Tere, kallis

Süvendan seda lugupidavalt ja tagasihoidlikult, palun avaldada teie lahkeks kaalutluseks järgmised read: Loodan, et säästate mõnda oma väärtuslikku minutit, et lugeda järgnevat üleskutset mõistva meelega. Pean tunnistama, et just selle lootuse, rõõmu ja entusiasmiga kirjutan teile selle e-kirja, mida ma tean ja usun usku, et see peab teid kindlasti leidma, et olete tervislikus seisundis.

Minu nimi on Jennifer Smith, ma olen oma hiliste vanemate, hr. Seith Idemi ainus laps. Minu isa oli väga hea mainega ärimagnet, kes tegutses oma päevadel Côte d'Ivoire'i pealinnas.

Kurb on tõdeda, et ta suri Prantsusmaal ühe oma välisreisi ajal salapäraselt, ehkki tema äkksurma oli seotud või pigem kahtlustatav, et teda juhtis tollal temaga koos rännanud minu onu. Kuid jumal teab tõde! Mu ema suri, kui olin just 6-aastane ja sellest ajast peale võttis isa mind nii eriliseks.

Enne isa surma helistas ta mulle ja teatas, et tal on summa kolm miljonit, kuussada tuhat eurot (3 600 000,00 eurot), mille ta hoiustas siin Abidjani elevandiluurannikul asuvas erapangas. Ta ütles mulle, et deponeeris raha minu nimel ja andis mulle ka kõik vajalikud hoiustega seotud juriidilised dokumendid pangas,

Olen just 22-aastane ja ülikooli bakalaureuseõppija ega tea tegelikult, mida teha. Nüüd soovin ausat ja jumalakartlikku partnerit välismaalt, kellele saaksin selle raha tema abiga üle kanda ning pärast tehingut tulen ja elan alaliselt teie riigis kuni sellise ajani, et mul oleks mugav koju tagasi pöörduda, kui nii soov. Selle põhjuseks on see, et olen siin Elevandiluurannikul lakkamatu poliitilise kriisi tagajärjel palju kannatanud.

Minu isa surm tõi mu ellu tegelikult kurbuse. Samuti soovin fondi investeerida teie hoole alla, kuna ma ei tea ärimaailma. Soovin siiralt teie alandlikku abi nendes küsimustes. Teie ettepanekuid ja ideid võetakse kõrgelt arvesse. Millise protsendi kõnesolevast kogusummast te võtate pärast fondi ülekandmist teie kontole ja ma tulen teiega kohtuma?

Palun kaaluge seda ja pöörduge minuga nii kiiresti kui võimalik. Kohe kinnitan teie soovi, saadan teile oma pildi ja lisateavet selle teema kohta.

Parimate soovidega,


martedì, gennaio 12, 2016

ÜRO hüvitamise programm

See on teave,
hüvitise väljamaksmise osakonna juhataja,
ÜRO peakorteris.
Accras Ghanas

soovime teada, kui abisaaja $ 500,000.00 USD kompensatsiooniks üro komisjoni kompensatsiooni UNCC) on saanud kogu hilinenud maksete tasumata võlgu järgmist: ettevõtete, töövõtjate, pärandvara, lähisugulasi ,Super orkaan sandy, sõjas kannatanud isikud, kelmus ohvrid, õnnetus mõjutatud isikute ja lennuõnnetus, maavärin ja loterii hüvitise saajate hulgas isise ohvrid, keda oli pärit Aafrikast Euroopasse, ameeriklased, sealhulgas Aasia Lähis-Idas. Nimekirjast on üksikisikud ja ettevõtted, nende tasumata vahendeid on asub meie volitatud ametnik maksab pank,

mille algatas ÜRO ja Maailmapanga toetusel ja töödeldakse makse ja valmis maksete tegemiseks määratud kontole või meie piiramatu PANGAKAART, saate raha tagasi oma raha iga päev /oma riigi ja muude riikide võite reisida ja oma andmeid nõutakse nagu allpool märgitud kui eelistad ATM, kui soovite saada teie makse, Telegraafiaadress Telegraafülekanne kontole siis esitama meile oma konto andmed. Sa oled ainult saamiseks nõutavad tunnistused nõudeõiguse oma fond saab vabastada.

Teie Nimi
koopia passi või isikutunnistuse rahvusvahelise

ootame teie andmed nagu soovitud.

Okai Andrew

makse keskmine

Standard Chartered Bank Ghana piiratud
Accra Peatänaval,
PO Box 768
Telefon: +233543420498

venerdì, agosto 14, 2015


I have a proposal for you. I will furnish you with the details when you reply.
Thank you and God bless you.

Adamo Edoardo

giovedì, aprile 03, 2014

Press release: Startup Wise Guys announces new BusinessTech accelerator for B2B vertical

Press release


Startup Wise Guys announces new  BusinessTech accelerator  for  B2B vertical

Startup Wise Guys (SWG) has opened applications for their new business-to-business (B2B) accelerator. The 3+1 month BusinessTech program aims to cut down on lengthy business sales cycles and increase the success with corporate partnerships.

BusinessTech is built on the wide scope Startup Wise Guys accelerator to offer a vertical and unique program for the CEE region. The new business-to-business commerce orientated program takes place in Tallinn, Estonia, the center of the worlds most advanced e-government. BusinessTech adds a fourth month to the traditional accelerator model, giving extra time to help companies in utilize corporate partnerships, penetrate international markets and get support on finding seed investment.The three core competence areas include payments, security, and cloud.

“Taking an in-depth look on the already established mentor and connection base at the Startup Wise Guys programs and concentrating on the three core areas, we see a clear advantage in the B2B field,” Mike Reiner, founder of Startup Wise Guys, explains the reasoning behind the accelerator’s new program. “Cloud, payments and security have a large footprint in the region, with companies like TransferWise and Fortumo rooted in Estonia and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence located in Tallinn”

Key indicators that startups can provide solutions for larger, more established businesses is among the many challenges faced throughout the sales process.  As these challenges are difficult to overcome, connections with corporates will help build brand equity and enable startups. In addition, early-stage pilots with SME’s provide critical and constructive feedback along with the required initial traction.  Partners include Microsoft Ventures in the cloud area, PayPal in payments, and Clarified Security in the field of security. Besides the few named in each specific area, the program involves a wide spectrum of mentors and partners to cover all the areas of startup needs including insight into strategic problem solving.  

SWG has previously funded 24 companies from 15 countries. Most recent success cover three B2B portfolio companies Cloutex- data integration and synchronization for SaaS services; Monolith - analytics for real-life retail stores;  and Vitalfields - data gathering and analyzation for farmers, which have raised together over  $2m in the first quarter of 2014

BusinessTech applications are open till 20th of May in www.f6s.com, program starts from 1st of August.
Startup Wise Guys BusinessTech is partially funded by Enterprise Estonia Structural Fund. www.startupwiseguys.com

More information

The Guardian
skype: katzyu
+372 555 69 660

giovedì, gennaio 16, 2014

Cloud computing future enabler Cloutex, seals the seed round with over half a million dollars

Press release 


Cloud computing future enabler Cloutex, seals the seed round with over half a million dollars.

Estonian tech startup Cloutex, which connects and syncs various web applications such as e-marketing, CRM and accounting tools under one convenient hub, closed their first seed round with $600,000 in investment.

The funds were raised together with United Partners, SmartCap and EstBan business angels. "Companies using Cloutex services have the opportunity to increase value of their current solutions by sharing information between them in a secure and scalable way," says former Skype Estonia General Manager and angel investor Tiit Paananen, about his decision to invest in Cloutex.

With the pre-seed round backed by business angels Riivo Anton and Gerri Kodres and Startup Wise Guys respectively, Cloutex has accumulated a total investment of $700,000 within just a year after launch.

Cloutex promises to solve the headache of synchronizing web systems and cloud based management software with a fraction of the cost of custom solutions. “Services that are out there today come either with high development cost or with new data entry across platforms only, which isn't actually synchronization,” explains founder and CEO Peeter Mark. “We’re revolutionizing the concept by bringing bi-directional full sync to the table while making it accessible for everyone.”

With a monthly fee of just $29, Cloutex delivers instant integration between CRM, accounting and e-commerce platforms. By skipping all the costly development fees, users need to provide their credentials, after which the data will be synced across all apps on the fly. Today integrated services include popular softwares like Salesforce for sales management, Quickbooks Online for accounting and Magento for e-commerce and many more.

Cloutex launched their service in spring 2013. Currently they are focused on market expansion in the U.S. by opening an office and hiring extra staff to continue building more connectors to their offered services portfolio.

For further information please contact

Peeter Mark


+372 5065956


mercoledì, agosto 14, 2013

Cloutex - the cloud integration hub


We just launched Cloutex and are positively surprised by the tremendous response we've seen in the past days. Cloutex is an unlimited integration hub helping small businesses sync services like SalesForce, QuickBooks, Magento and MailChimp.

Cloutex is revolutionary, making full synchronization possible for small businesses using cloud services.

Cloutex features bi-directional synchronization, updating data items and integrating multiple webapps. Cloutex is invisible to the user and runs behind the curtains.

Read our story and take the tour:


Estonian startup Cloutex is looking to revolutionize the integrations market for small businesses. By creating a cloud hub to which API enabled cloud services can be linked, Cloutex allows small businesses to synchronize all data between all services. CEO Peeter Mark says, "Cloutex is a radical improvement to existing point-to-point integrations. Integrating all your cloud services like SalesForce, QuickBooks, Magento and MailChimp in one place, reduces expenses by streamlining and optimizing your business processes without the need for hiring IT consultants."

The radical improvement comes in form of a hub style integration engine that allows for multiple service connections. You choose your cloud services and simply by inputing your credentials, you link the service to Cloutex. Immediately Cloutex starts synchronizing your customers, contacts, product, invoices etc. every 5 minutes. CEO Peeter Mark adds, "With Cloutex you can practically connect an unlimited amount of services on one platform and have your data synchronize across the board. No more configuring point-to-point integrations between only two services and only having new data items copied, with Cloutex you get proper full bi-directional synchronization of all your webapps."

With this level of synchronization, Cloutex looks more like a real small business integration platform than the other integration solutions seen in recent years. Cloutex even boasts features such as managing data relations and globally updating existing data entries. "By managing all relations between data items, Cloutex can effectively update existing synchronized data with the latest updates to all connected services. As a business owner you don't have to worry about manual data entry and keeping your databases up to date anymore. This improves efficiency and the bottom line.", says CEO Peeter Mark, Cloutex.

Cloutex looks to add a lot of value to any small business interested in organizing their business processes properly. "Imagine your leads coming in through MailChimp and automatically synchronizing to Salesforce, Magento and QuickBooks. When you update the lead's data in Salesforce all the other services are updated and when you close the sale in Salesforce, Cloutex automatically updates the information in Quickbooks where your bookkeeper can immediately generate the invoice because she already has the relevant information. That's master data management for small businesses with Cloutex.", says CEO Peeter Mark, Cloutex.

We recommend you keep your eye on this cloud integration platform.


Contact us directly for more details or check out the FAQ.


Soren Hejnfelt

P: +372 5697 9844
E: soren@cloutex.com
Skype: soren_hejnfelt

Powered by  Interspire

sabato, dicembre 29, 2012

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